How many Tablespoons are in a stick of butter?

Get your free Kitchen Conversion Chart with conversions, common abbreviations, and more
so you can find your way through recipes faster.


 The answer is...


There are 8 tablespoons in a stick of butter.

But what about grams or ounces? Do you need more help converting tablespoons to cups? Are you having trouble translating a recipe from metric to U.S. measurements, or the other way around? It’s more common than you might think, and Now you can know the secret too with our Kitchen Conversion Chart.

Below you can download a FREE Kitchen Conversion Chart that will become your new quick reference guide. It covers conversions between common weights and volume, and between Celsius and Fahrenheit, and it will even help with abbreviations. 

(And in case you’re wondering, an abbreviation for abbreviation is Abbr. That’s much easier to spell.)



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